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  • Do you offer travel insurance?
    We have partnered with .... to offer you a travel insurance policy. This optional policy is available to all groups that book with us.
  • Does the price include visits?
    Visits are included where stated. Please discuss with your Tour Organiser if you add additional visits.
  • What is the minimum size for a group?
    All prices are based on a minimum of 20 paying people. For groups of fewer than 20 people we are unlikely to be able to obtain meaningful discounts from our suppliers, and so this would be reflected in the prices we’re able to offer you.
  • What standard of accomodation do you offer?
    Typically we use 2 or 3-star hotels, youth hostels, and hostels. We can recommend accommodation that suits your needs and your budget.
  • What free pay ratio do you offer?
    Free places are offered on a 1:10 ratio
  • What happens if my group numbers degrease?
    Our prices are determined by the number of paying passengers, and so may increase if your numbers decrease, and cancellation charges may apply. Please let us know as soon as possible, in writing, if this happens.
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