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Guide to Planning School Trips in Italy: Tips and Regulations

Updated: Feb 28

Organizing school trips may seem like a daunting task, but it's an opportunity to turn students' annual dreams into an engaging educational experience. Planning educational journeys in Italy offers a wide range of possibilities, contributing not only to learning but also to cultural enrichment and personal growth, as indicated on the Miur website.

Learning Opportunities on the Go:

This year, there's the chance to integrate mandatory school-work alternation hours directly during the trip. This expands opportunities to participate in educational workshops and innovative projects, bridging the gap between academia and the world of work.

Discovering Italy:

Despite challenges posed by the crisis, Italy offers numerous itineraries, including historical, naturalistic, archaeological, and cultural options. This is the perfect time to rediscover our national identity through school trips in Italy. Explore our catalog of trips by clicking on "school trips in Italy."

Definitions and Classifications:

To plan effectively, it's essential to understand the specific terminology of school trips. There are several terms to classify these activities:

  1. Educational Journey: Organized for at least 2 days with an overnight stay.

  2. Educational Outing: Visit places within 25 km without an overnight stay.

  3. Guided Tour: Restricted to regional borders with a return in the same day.

Step-by-Step Guide to a Perfect Educational Journey:

  1. Educational Objectives: Clearly define how the journey will contribute to students' learning.

  2. Destination Selection: Choose a location that integrates with the educational program.

  3. Logistical Organization: Plan in advance for hotels, visits, guides, and museums, contacting them for discounts and insurance arrangements.

  4. Official Communications: Inform the headmaster about the program details, costs, and conceptual integration into the curriculum.

  5. Parental Involvement: Communicate educational objectives, the trip program, costs, and necessary authorizations to students and parents.

Miur Regulations on School Trips:

To delve into the regulations of the Ministry of Public Administration, consult ministerial circular no. 291 of October 14, 1992. However, since 2000, Legislative Decree 275/1999 has granted complete autonomy to schools in organizing extracurricular activities.

Teacher Responsibilities: Miur Clarifications 2016

To address teachers' concerns about improper control burdens during trips, Miur clarified that the note of February 3, 2016, does not assign new tasks. Reporting to the police is an "invitation" and not an absolute obligation.

Organizing school trips in Italy can be an extraordinary educational opportunity. Follow these steps and consult regulations to ensure a safe and educational journey for students. Contact us for more information on our comprehensive school trip packages, supported by our years of experience in the field.

MIUR Documents

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